The color of art is #A79F94
An average color was calculated from more than 26,000 images in the MoMA art collection. The result was this brownish gray.

Richter for reference
"no style, no composition, no judgement"


Pepto Bismal and Caviar

Ruscha for reference

new work on my website.

Dannijo Rococo Pyrite Ring

Slim chance you are reading this.
*destruction is under the love letter*

Mercedes Museum tornado

cup of ambition


This Friday.

Super Wonderful Group Show

Matt Allison
Clay Doran
Barrett Fiser
Dustin Harewood
Tonya Lee
Kyle Lemstrom
Jen Morgan

1992 San Marco Blvd.
opening festivities Friday, 6-9PM

This Thursday.

Dustin Harewood : Recent Portraits
opening reception 5-7PM
Art Institute of Jacksonville
8775 Baypine Road
Jacksonville, FL 32256